Eternal Threads review (PS5)

Eternal Threads, developed by Cosmonaut Studios and published by Secret Mode, makes its way to the PlayStation 5, two years after its initial release on PC where it was well-received. This narrative-driven puzzle game delves into the intricacies of time manipulation, offering players a unique blend of storytelling and gameplay that stands out in the genre and provides us with an unexpected gem of a game.

Set in the North of England in May of 2015, the game places you in the shoes of an operative tasked with correcting a corrupted timestream. Six housemates perish in a devastating fire, and your mission is to ensure their survival by altering the choices they make in the week leading up to the tragedy. The catch? You can’t simply stop the fire or tell everyone to get out a day before. Instead, you must navigate through a web of decisions, tweaking events and observing their ripple effects to achieve the best possible outcomes for each character.

The narrative structure of Eternal Threads is both its greatest strength and a potential stumbling block. The story unfolds non-linearly, allowing players to explore the seven-day timeline in any order they choose. This freedom is very engaging, as it lets you piece together the story like a detective unraveling a mystery without getting the sense you’re stuck. Each character’s arc is rich with detail, revealing secrets and hidden depths as you manipulate their choices. However, the complexity of the timeline can also sometimes feel overwhelming, and it’s easy to lose track of the myriad branching paths and their consequences if you’re not careful.


These gameplay mechanics are at the heart of Eternal Threads’ appeal. The ability to watch and alter significant events repeatedly offers a sense of immersion and control. As you change decisions, the environment around you morphs to reflect these alterations, adding a tangible sense of cause and effect. This feature is particularly compelling, as it visually reinforces the impact of your choices, making the narrative feel dynamic and alive.

However, the game’s pacing can be a double-edged sword. While the freedom to explore and change events at will is liberating, it can also lead to moments of confusion and frustration, especially when trying to achieve specific outcomes. The game’s design encourages meticulous attention to detail and patience, and for those who enjoy being led through a narrative that might be a downside.

Visually, Eternal Threads features a striking and impressive style. The depiction of the fire-damaged house, juxtaposed with ghostly recreations of past events, creates a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere. The game’s art direction effectively conveys the passage of time and the weight of the impending disaster. Audio design complements this with a subtle, eerie score that underscores the tension and drama of the unfolding narrative.


Controls are intuitive and responsive, allowing for smooth navigation through the game’s various timelines and events. The user interface is clean and accessible, making it relatively easy to manage the complex web of choices and their outcomes. However, some players might find having to navigate back-and-forth through the timeline a bit of a chore, especially when it takes a while to pinpoint the exact moment to alter for the desired effect to occur.

In conclusion, Eternal Threads is a fascinating exploration of choice and consequence, offering a richly detailed narrative and innovative gameplay mechanics. Its non-linear approach to storytelling provides a fresh experience that rewards careful observation and thoughtful decision-making. While its complexity and pacing might not suit everyone, those willing to delve deep into its intricate web will find a deeply rewarding and thought-provoking game in a compelling narrative puzzle game that masterfully intertwines story and gameplay.

Score: 8.1/10

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