ARTE celebrates 10 years in video games

ARTE has just marked a decade of contributing to the video game industry. Since 2013, they’ve been a steadfast supporter of original European video games, bringing forth a collection of 17 (co-)productions, including 12 projects that have garnered over 100 awards in total. Many of ARTE’s games are known for their arthouse approach, originality, memorability, and universal accessibility. Continue reading “ARTE celebrates 10 years in video games”

WoW Classic Hardcore: Unveiling the Challenge

With the WoW Classic Hardcore launched on the 24th August, a beloved standalone add-on has finally been fully integrated into WoW. In Hardcore you only have one life so the strategy and ways of playing are shifting dramatically and the main challenge is making it to max level without dying. Annie, recognized as AnnieFuschia in the gaming community, grants us a profound glimpse into the universe of WoW Classic Hardcore – an adventure seamlessly blending skill, strategy, and a dash of madness. Continue reading “WoW Classic Hardcore: Unveiling the Challenge”

Ten Reasons to pick up PlayStation Plus Premium for the Holidays

Sure, “ten reasons to pick up PlayStation Plus Premium for the holidays” sounds like a sales pitch or something you’d find on the PlayStation blog, but we’ve been sampling the service for a few months and found that there’s a single great reason that jumps out when faced with a period in which you have some extra time to play games. So if you’re going to be indoors and need something to play when not mingling with family and friends, read on…. Continue reading “Ten Reasons to pick up PlayStation Plus Premium for the Holidays”

Taking the Asus ROG Strix SCAR 15 on a VR spin

After covering over 300 VR games in recent years, we’ve seen a bunch of different technologies pop up and pass by. From the early PC-based development kits by Oculus to the mainstream appeal of wireless models like the Meta Quest 2, it’s been quite a ride. PlayStation jumped aboard with PSVR, and PSVR is on the horizon as well now, offering a new leap forward for console gamers. But while the Quest 2 is currently fairly dominant in the mainstream market, we believe that PC-based VR can still offer a superior experience. We went into the virtual dimension with a ROG Strix SCAR 15 gaming laptop to explore, and here’s what we found out. Continue reading “Taking the Asus ROG Strix SCAR 15 on a VR spin”