Destiny 2: The Final Shape review (PC)

Bungie’s latest expansion for Destiny 2, The Final Shape, adds another ambitious chapter in the long-running saga that started back in 2017, setting a high bar for the franchise’s eventual conclusion. The campaign thrusts players into a journey inside the Traveler, rallying the Vanguard against the formidable Witness. This narrative arc brings a satisfying closure to a few of the ongoing storylines (some of which have been running for a bit too long already), while simultaneously introducing new mysteries and challenges that set the scene for things to come.

The introduction of the Prismatic subclass marks a significant gameplay innovation for Destiny 2 veterans. For the first time, players can blend Arc, Solar, Void, Stasis, and Strand abilities, allowing for unprecedented customization. This feature adds depth and flexibility to combat, catering to various playstyles and strategic preferences. The new Supers for Arc Hunters, Void Titans, and Solar Warlocks further diversify the gameplay, providing fresh, powerful abilities that appear to be quite useful during especially challenging combat scenarios.


The new environment in The Final Shape turns out to be an enigmatic landscape that distorts time and space, and it stands out for its imaginative design and visual splendor. The locations are both eerie and beautiful, enhancing the sense of an epic and otherworldly adventure. Things can be almost disorienting at times, partly because levels are non-linear in layout, but it adds to the alien charm of it all.

Mechanically, Destiny 2 remains a solid FPS, with the kind of tight controls and fluid combat that fans have come to expect. The expansion also introduces a variety of new weapons and armor, encouraging players to experiment with different gear setups. However, critical players who have been with Destiny for a long time might lament that, after seven years, the reliance on familiar gameplay loops can feel repetitive.

Visually, The Final Shape is stunning. The graphical fidelity on PC, especially with high-end hardware, brings the game’s vibrant and dark environments to life. The audio design complements the visual experience, with an evocative score that heightens the tension and excitement of the campaign’s most pivotal moments. If you compare The Final Shape to how Destiny 2 looked at launch, the game has come a long way.


But despite its strengths, The Final Shape has its shortcomings. What’s there in terms of the story campaign is extremely engaging, but also feels a tad when compared to previous expansions. Additionally, the complexity of the new subclass system is innovative and should inject the game with new energy, but it may also overwhelm newcomers or casual players who are not as familiar with the intricate mechanics of Destiny 2 and only jump in for new story content when it drops roughly once a year. This is mostly nitpicking though, as we had a blast playing this.

In conclusion, Destiny 2: The Final Shape is a compelling expansion that pushes the series forward with bold new features and a gripping narrative. While it may not fully escape some of the franchise’s recurring issues, it offers a rich and rewarding experience for both veterans and newcomers alike. Bungie has crafted a fitting prelude to what promises to be an epic conclusion to the Destiny 2 saga.

Score: 8.0/10

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