V Rising review (PS5)

For a while, Stunlock Studios’ V Rising had been making waves during its Early Access stage. This prompted us to speak to the developer a while ago, and now that the full game is out we’re checking it out on a PlayStation 5. Also available on Steam in its 1.0 version now, it invites players into a dark world where they start out as a weakened vampire, tasked with the usual: hunting for blood, avoiding sunlight, and rebuilding your castle to create a vampire empire. The game’s blend of survival mechanics and action RPG elements, combined with the vampire setting, makes for an experience that is both challenging and rewarding.

As you’d expect, the premise of V Rising sets a gothic tone as you navigate a vast, open world. It’s full of mythical horrors and as well as resources to gather, and the narrative effectively immerses players in the struggle to rise as a powerful vampire lord. The world-building is enriched by the day-night cycle, which forces strategic planning around the deadly sunlight, creating a dynamic gameplay rhythm that keeps players engaged – while of course also constantly reminding you of your nature.

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Gameplay mechanics are robust, with a focus on resource gathering, castle construction, and combat. Growing and improving your castle is a surprising highlight, offering a satisfying progression as you gather resources and unlock new abilities, while the ability to customize and fortify your domain adds a personal touch to your vampire empire. On the action RPG side of things, combat is fluid and enjoyable, with precise and responsive controls and a good variety of weapons and spells that allows for diverse combat strategies. This makes for a game where you can try out (and be successful with) different playstyle, even within the same playthrough.

The cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes in V Rising add significant replayability. Whether you choose to ally with other vampires or raid rival castles, the multiplayer elements enhance the game’s depth and excitement. The game can be enjoyed solo, but playing with friends can make the game more accessible and enjoyable, especially if you’re looking to dominate the fictional world of Vardoran.

Visually, V Rising is impressive. The gothic art style and detailed environments create an immersive atmosphere that complements the dark theme of the game. The audio design is equally impressive, with a haunting soundtrack and atmospheric sound effects that heighten the tension and enhance the overall experience.

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However, V Rising is not without its flaws. Some players might find the initial learning curve steep, as the game does little hand-holding and expects players to quickly adapt to its survival mechanics. This probably won’t apply to those who have been with the game since the Early Access days on PC, but newcomers might have a different experience. Additionally, while the combat is generally engaging, it can sometimes feel repetitive, particularly during longer play sessions.

In conclusion, V Rising on PS5 is a captivating blend of survival, action, and RPG elements set in a richly detailed gothic world. Its robust mechanics, fluid combat, and atmospheric design make it worth a solid recommendation. Despite some initial difficulty and occasional repetitiveness, it offers a deeply immersive and rewarding experience, especially when shared with friends. But whether you choose to face the darkness alone or with allies, V Rising is worth the journey into the night.

Score: 8.0/10

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