HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed review (Xbox)

HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed, developed by Digital Cybercherries, brings its toy-infused mayhem to the Xbox, following its successful earlier runs on PC and Nintendo Switch. This wave-based shooter, infused with the charm of toy action figures (think Army Men), captures the essence of childhood imagination while offering robust gameplay mechanics that appeal to both solo players and co-op multiplayer enthusiasts.

The premise of HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed is fun and silly. Players are thrust into the roles of action figures tasked with defending the Hypercore, a magical power source containing cherished childhood memories of toys. Major Evil’s plan to destroy this Hypercore and thus erase these memories adds a sense of urgency and adventure to the narrative. And while the story is simple, it effectively sets the stage for the action-packed gameplay that follows.

Gameplay is where HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed truly shines. The game supports up to four players in online or local co-op, complete with full split-screen functionality. This makes it a fantastic option for social gaming sessions, especially in couch co-op mode. The difficulty scales based on the number of players, ensuring a balanced challenge whether you’re playing solo or with friends. Solo players aren’t left out either, as the game includes competent bots that can help with building defenses and collecting resources.


The game features a blend of first and third-person perspectives, allowing players to choose their preferred viewpoint for tackling waves of enemies. The controls are smooth and responsive, making it easy to switch between building defenses and engaging in combat. The variety of classic PvP modes, including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Battery, adds further depth to the multiplayer experience – though there isn’t really a standout mode here that you haven’t seen in some form elsewhere.

Visually, HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed is a treat. The environments are richly detailed, and do a good job of transforming regular day to day settings into actual battlefields for toys. From the inside of a toy store to an outdoor setting in the back yard, each level is packed with vibrant colors and intricate designs that bring the miniature world to life. The audio complements the visuals well, with a soundtrack that enhances the game’s high energy pace and sound effects that amplify the action.


However, the game is not without its flaws. Some players might find the wave-based structure repetitive over extended play sessions. And while a good variety of enemies and diverse level designs help to mitigate this, a more diverse set of objectives could have enhanced the overall experience. Additionally, the game’s reliance on manual progression and unlocks may feel grindy to some.

In conclusion, HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed offers a delightful blend of childhood nostalgia and robust gameplay. Its engaging premise, combined with smooth controls and vibrant visuals, makes it a fun title to play, especially for co-op enthusiasts. Despite some repetitive elements and a grindy progression system, the game’s charm and replayability ensure that players will return to defend the Hypercore time and time again. If you’re looking for a game that captures the magic of childhood imagination while providing a solid shooter experience, this one is well worth your time.

Score: 7.7/10

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