Magical Drop VI review (PS5)

A beloved arcade puzzler franchise returns with Magical Drop VI, developed by Highball Games and Storm Trident, and published by Forever Entertainment. Available now on the PlayStation 5, this iteration aims to capture the magic of its predecessors while introducing new elements to appeal to both veteran players and newcomers alike. If you like games like Puzzle Bobble, read on.

From the moment you launch the game, Magical Drop VI’s vibrant and colorful visuals stand out. The character designs are lively and full of personality, making each of the 15 standard playable characters stand out with their unique backgrounds and music tracks. The artistic direction is complemented by the dynamic backgrounds and fluid animations, all of which contribute to an engaging visual experience.

The core idea of Magical Drop VI is straightforward yet effective: players choose a character and engage in fast-paced puzzle battles where you try to clear colored bubbles. The game modes are plentiful, offering a variety of solo and multiplayer options. Story mode and Path of Destiny provide narrative-driven experiences, each filled with an engaging narrative that keeps players invested. For those looking for a challenge, the game’s numerous solo modes and dozens of challenges will provide.


At the core of Magical Drop VI are its gameplay mechanics. The core gameplay remains faithful to the original, involving the rapid matching of colored bubbles to clear the screen and defeat opponents – something quite familiar to Puzzle Bobble fans. This mechanic is easy to pick up but difficult to master, ensuring that the game remains accessible yet deep. The controls are responsive and intuitive, which is crucial for a game like this that demands quick reflexes and strategic thinking. However, some players who aren’t veterans of this genre might find the difficulty curve a bit steep, especially in later stages or higher difficulty settings.

Multiplayer modes, both local and online, add significant replay value. The thrill of going head-to-head against friends or climbing the online leaderboards keeps the gameplay fresh and competitive. Nevertheless, the online matchmaking can sometimes be slow, and the occasional lag can disrupt the flow of intense puzzle battles – our recommendation would be to play locally if you have the option.


The audio in Magical Drop VI is another point worth mentioning in more detail. Each character has their own distinct music tracks that fit their personality and add to the game’s immersive atmosphere. The sound effects are satisfying and enhance the overall gameplay experience. However, some might find the repetitive nature of the soundtrack a bit tiresome over long play sessions.

Despite its many strengths, we did have a few issues with Magical Drop VI. The game’s narrative elements, while charming, may feel somewhat shallow to those expecting a more robust story experience. But in conclusion, Magical Drop VI is a delightful return to a long-running series. Its vibrant visuals, engaging gameplay, and variety of modes make it an easy recommendation for fans of the genre. While it has some minor issues, these are outweighed by the fun and charm the game offers.

Score: 7.5/10

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