Consortium VR review (Quest)

Consortium VR by Interdimensional Games, a VR adaptation of a flat screen title from about a decade ago, transports players to the year 2042, where they inhabit the mind of a recruit in a peacekeeping force, the Consortium. As Bishop Six, players are tasked with solving a murder, defending against attacks, uncovering conspiracies, and navigating complex relationships. The game promises a richly detailed narrative influenced by player decisions, enhanced by an innovative V.O.I.C.E. system that allows for vocal interactions with characters – which really enhances the immersive quality of the game in VR.

The narrative in Consortium is interesting, presenting a bright yet shadowy future where a sense of global unity is juxtaposed with underlying threats. The murder mystery at the core of the story is intricately woven, demanding attention and decision-making. The depth of the storyline and the consequences of each choice make for an engaging experience that feels personal and impactful, resulting in a richness that isn’t the norm in VR.


Gameplay mechanics in Consortium VR are multifaceted, offering a blend of diplomacy and combat. Players can choose to navigate scenarios with a non-violent approach or opt for aggression, and besides different gameplay that also affects other people’s perceptions of your and the story’s direction. This flexibility caters to different play styles, enhancing replayability and immersion. The interactive screens embedded in the virtual arms for managing equipment are a nice touch, although the range of mechanics on offer means this is best geared towards experienced VR players.

Visually, Consortium VR is impressive, with detailed environments and well-designed characters that bring the futuristic world to life. The audio complements the visuals, providing an atmospheric backdrop that enhances the sense of immersion. However, the Meta Quest version does suffer from performance issues at launch, which can detract from the overall experience.


The Virtual Trainer (VT) offers additional gameplay scenarios as well as a VR-focused VT editor for creating and sharing levels. This feature adds significant value, fostering a community-driven approach to content creation and hopefully extending the game’s longevity.

In conclusion, Consortium VR on Meta Quest is a compelling interactive narrative experience that successfully combines storytelling with gameplay flexibility. While it excels in narrative depth and visual immersion, it faces challenges with performance and interface complexity. Fans of story-driven VR games will find much to appreciate, despite a few small hurdles. For those seeking a game that rewards thoughtful decision-making and offers a richly detailed world, Consortium VR is well worth exploring and something rather unique in the VR space.

Score: 7.1/10

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