MudRunner VR review (Quest)

There are tons of games in the off-road simulation genre, but now there’s a brand new one that has entered the virtual reality space with MudRunner VR, brought to us by Saber Interactive. But while the game offers a fresh and immersive experience for fans of off-road adventures, it does come with its own set of challenges and quirks that both enhance and detract from the overall experience – and not all those challenges are intentional.

As with the flat screen versions, the core gameplay of MudRunner VR revolves around navigating treacherous terrains using a variety of all-terrain vehicles. Each vehicle, from log carriers to repair modules, offers a unique driving experience, which keeps the game engaging. The physics-based challenges are where the game truly shines, requiring players to carefully plan their routes and adapt to unpredictable obstacles like falling rocks and dense mud. The campaign mode presents a series of missions that vary from rescuing stranded vehicles to delivering essential supplies, ensuring that the gameplay remains diverse and interesting. This functions largely as an extended tutorial, gradually introducing players to the game’s mechanics and different vehicle types.


However, the game’s control mechanics can be a double-edged sword. While the use of VR to interact with vehicle controls like gear shifters and windshield wipers adds a layer of realism, it can also become cumbersome once the novelty wears off. Steering using hand controls, for instance, often feels imprecise as you’re not holding an actual steering wheel, which we are guessing will prompt many players to switch to joystick controls for better accuracy. Additionally, the necessity to frequently get in and out of the vehicle to assess the terrain, though immersive, can lead to frustration due to the game’s teleportation-only movement system. This limitation hampers the fluidity of the experience, making it feel disjointed at times – so we’re hoping for a free movement toggle in a future update.

Visually, MudRunner VR does a commendable job of bringing the rugged landscapes to life. The environmental detail is impressive, from muddy trails to flowing rivers, and the day-night cycles add to the realism, enhancing the sense of immersion. However, the inability to stick your head out of the vehicle window to better assess the terrain feels like a missed opportunity in a game where visual cues are crucial. In addition, struggling frame rates can also detract from the otherwise good looking experience.

The audio complements the game well, with the roar of engines and the crunch of tires on different surfaces enhancing the immersion. However, there’s a certain repetitiveness to the sound effects that might start to wear thin over longer play sessions.


The free-play mode offers more freedom than the campaign mode, allowing players to explore larger maps and tackle missions at their own pace. This mode increases the game’s replayability, giving players a sandbox to test their skills and challenge themselves. However, compared to its flat screen counterparts, MudRunner VR’s maps feel smaller and less intricate, lacking the depth and complexity that fans of the series might expect.

MudRunner VR is an interesting new entry in the off-road simulation genre, providing a challenging and immersive experience that’s well-suited for VR. The game’s demanding nature, combined with its realistic physics and detailed environments, makes for a rewarding experience for those willing to invest the time and patience. However, the cumbersome controls and some missed opportunities in VR-specific features hold it back from being truly exceptional – though these aren’t things that can’t be fixed in a future update. If you’re looking for a more methodical driving simulator in VR then this is one to check out, but we’re hoping for a bit more post-launch polish.

Score: 6.8/10

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