RKGK / Rakugaki review (PC)

Wabisabi Games’ RKGK / Rakugaki, which is out now on Steam, offers a combination of platforming action and graffiti art, set against the backdrop of a dystopian neo-brutalist cityscape – part Jet Set Radio and Hi-Fi Rush, but with an identity of its own. The game follows Valah and her crew as they seek to liberate Cap City from the oppressive control of B Corp, using vibrant graffiti to reclaim the urban environment. Here are our thoughts.

The premise of RKGK / Rakugaki is an interesting one, with a strong narrative focus on resistance and the power of creativity. The game’s setting, Cap City, is a character in its own right. Initially it’s an oppressive, grey landscape, but it’s one that players can transform with bursts of color and art. This theme of artistic rebellion is both engaging and refreshing, offering a narrative depth that many platformers lack.


Gameplay-wise, the game’s emphasis on speed and flow, with players chaining together jumps, dashes, glides, and grinds, creates a thrilling experience once you get comfortable combining all these. The Defacer mode, which turns Valah’s world into an animated wonderland, is another cool feature that adds an extra layer to the game. The traversal mechanics are well-designed, allowing for fluid movement and stylish play, although some players might find the controls require a bit of a learning curve – especially if you’re not used to playing anything that’s remotely similar.

Visually, the game is a treat. The contrast between the cold, grey city and the vibrant graffiti creates a striking aesthetic that is meaningful and consistently becomes more beautiful to look at as well. The graphics are complemented by a fitting soundtrack that enhances the game’s atmosphere, making the act of graffiti feel like a rebellious act. The customization options for Valah’s appearance and graffiti styles further add to the game’s visual appeal, allowing players to express their individuality if they so wish.


However, RKGK / Rakugaki is not without its flaws. The game’s core mechanics are certainly solid, but there are occasional issues with polish and execution. Minor bugs and glitches can disrupt the otherwise smooth gameplay experience, and some players may find certain levels repetitive after a while. Additionally, the game’s difficulty spikes can briefly frustrate, especially if you haven’t yet mastered how to flow between the various methods of traversal.

In conclusion, RKGK / Rakugaki is a bold and stylish platformer that combines fast-paced action with an engaging artistic premise. Its engaging narrative, vibrant visuals, and fluid mechanics make it a standout title, despite some minor technical issues that are present at launch. For players looking for a platformer that celebrates creativity and a rebellious attitude, RKGK / Rakugaki is a solid choice

Score: 7.7/10

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