Exo One review (PS5)

The PlayStation 5 version of Exo One, developed by Exbleative and published by All in! Games, takes players on a journey through space and time. Originally released on PC way back in 2021, this rather unique sci-fi exploration game has now arrived on the PS5 with enhanced visuals and performance, where we took it for a spin.

The story of Exo One begins with a mysterious signal transmitting blueprints for an alien craft, coinciding with the anniversary of a catastrophic event on Jupiter. This sets the stage for an interplanetary journey as players pilot the alien craft, dubbed the Exo One, through mysterious landscapes. While the premise is interesting, the actual narrative is minimalistic, relying heavily on atmosphere and visual storytelling to convey a sense of wonder. So while the lack of a traditional story may be a drawback for some, the game’s emotional resonance and atmosphere generally make up for it.


At the heart of Exo One is its unique traversal system, which allows players to manipulate gravity to build momentum and use it to soar through alien terrains. This mechanic is both intuitive and rewarding, providing a sense of freedom and exhilaration as you glide across alien landscapes, ride thermal updrafts, and launch yourself off mountain tops. The control scheme on the PS5 feels smooth and responsive, enhancing the overall experience, though there is a bit of a learning curve here when it comes to mastering the subtle nuance of working with gravity.

Exo One is an audiovisually impressive title. The PlayStation 5 version takes full advantage of the console’s capabilities, offering beautifully atmospheric visuals that immerse players in a variety of alien worlds. The game’s art style is desolate and beautiful at the same time, with diffused lighting and expansive vistas that evoke a sense of otherworldly awe. Complementing the visuals is a great soundtrack, featuring electric guitar riffs that enhance the meditative quality of the gameplay. The sound design, from the subtle hum of the craft to the ambient noises of alien environments, further immerses players in the game’s unique atmosphere.


One of the standout positives of Exo One is its ability to evoke a sense of awe and introspection. The seamless blend of exploration, otherworldly visuals, and evocative music creates a zen-like experience that relaxing, and the game’s unique traversal mechanics offer a refreshing take on the exploration genre, distinguishing it from more conventional titles.

However, the game’s minimalistic approach to storytelling and lack of traditional objectives may not appeal to everyone. Some players might find the experience too abstract or directionless, and the repetitive nature of the gameplay can become monotonous over extended sessions. Additionally, while the controls are generally smooth, mastering the gravity-based mechanics can be challenging and may frustrate less patient players.

Exo One on PlayStation 5 is a sci-fi journey that blends innovative gameplay mechanics with beautiful audiovisual design. Its unique approach to exploration and gravity manipulation offers a fresh and immersive experience, making it a title to watch for those seeking something different. While its abstract nature and minimalistic storytelling may not be for everyone, those who embrace its meditative qualities will find a rewarding experience here.

Score: 7.7/10

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