Horror Tales: The Beggar review (PS5)

Horror Tales: The Beggar, developed by CarlosGameDev and published on consoles by Jandusoft, is a sci-fi/horror hybrid with a story that is set in the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world. Powered by the Unreal Engine 5, it may be a smaller production but it delivers a visually stunning experience on the PlayStation 5. However, while the game has its strengths, it also stumbles in areas that prevent it from fully realizing its potential – here’s our review.

The game offers a compelling narrative that blends science fiction with horror, immersing players in a world torn apart by cataclysmic events. The protagonist’s journey through the remnants of a once-thriving civilization is full of tension and mystery, as players gradually uncover the truth behind the disaster. Your enemy also keeps adapting to your strategies, adding a dynamic element to the story that keeps the momentum up.

But despite its engaging premise, the actual narrative execution can be inconsistent. The story unfolds mostly through environmental storytelling and fragmented bits of lore, which can sometimes make it challenging for players to piece together the full picture. It’s always a risky design decision, and The Beggar would have benefited from a more linear delivery of the core elements of the story to avoid confusion.


The gameplay of Horror Tales: The Beggar is a blend of physics-based combat, puzzle-solving, and exploration. Players must use their powers to manipulate the environment, switching between day and night or even channeling the power of a thunderstorm. This innovative mechanic provides a unique twist on traditional puzzle-solving, and happens to look very cool in the process as well.

However, the controls can be a bit clunky, especially during combat sequences. The physics-based combat, while immersive, can sometimes feel unresponsive, leading to frustrating encounters with enemies. The boss fights in particular can be repetitive, and the fact that they visually look cool wears off when you keep having to use the same strategy.

As mentioned, one of the standout features of Horror Tales: The Beggar is its visual presentation. The game boasts stunning, realistic environments that effectively convey the desolation and eerie beauty of this post-apocalyptic world. Dynamic weather systems and day-night cycles add even more depth to the visual experience, with a great sense of atmosphere for such a modest title. The audio design complements the visuals well, heightening the sense of tension and dread – though a few audio glitches popped up that need fixing.


Horror Tales: The Beggar excels in creating a visually and atmospherically rich world. Its dynamic environmental manipulation mechanic provides a fresh take on the horror genre, and having your enemy keep evolving adds a layer of unpredictability that kept us engaged and on edge. On the downside, the game’s narrative can be disjointed, making it harder to fully connect with the story, and combat can be unresponsive repetitive.

Ultimately, Horror Tales: The Beggar offers a unique and visually stunning journey through a post-apocalyptic world with a blend of horror and science fiction. Despite a few shortcomings, it remains a worthwhile adventure for fans of the genre, offering a look at what small teams can do when they make good use of a powerful development engine.

Score: 7.5/10

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