Stellar Blade review (PS5)

In the vast cosmos of action-adventure gaming, Stellar Blade aims to emerge as a radiant star with its blend of combat finesse, sprawling world exploration, and a narrative that oscillates between heartfelt sincerity and predictable tropes. Developed by SHIFT UP Corporation, this PS5 exclusive treads the path of stylish action, reminiscent of classics like Devil May Cry, while also carving out its own identity. In a year that’s not exactly brimming with system exclusives, is this is a PS5 title you should be picking up?

At its core, Stellar Blade casts players into the role of Eve, a resilient warrior battling against the encroaching darkness of the Naytiba, a menacing alien race threatening the remnants of humanity. The narrative, while familiar in its thematic underpinnings, unfolds with a mix of emotional resonance and clichéd storytelling, bolstered by a cast of characters that, while not groundbreaking, offer just enough depth to keep players engaged for the duration of the story. The English dub could have certainly been more refined and polished, but the lore scattered throughout the world adds layers to the experience, inviting players to delve deeper into the mysteries of Eve’s journey and the world in which it takes place.

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Visually, Stellar Blade is a feast for the senses, with meticulously crafted environments ranging from neon-lit ruins to desolate landscapes, all of them teeming with secrets waiting to be uncovered as you explore them. While some areas may feel repetitive, the allure of exploration is undeniable, with hidden treasures and upgrades rewarding the intrepid adventurer. The art direction shines brightest in the game’s character designs, drawing inspiration from Japanese aesthetics as well as sci-fi influences, though some may find Eve’s attire needlessly sexualized.

But where Stellar Blade truly ascends to greatness is in its combat mechanics, a ballet of blades and brutality that pays homage to the genre’s finest while carving its own path of distinction. The fast-paced, combo-driven action flows effortlessly, with a dizzying array of moves and abilities at Eve’s disposal. Perfectly timed dodges and parries open up opportunities for devastating counterattacks, while Beta strikes unleash devastating power upon her foes. The variety of enemies, from grotesque abominations to towering bosses, keeps the combat fresh and engaging, though the lack of invincibility frames in dodging may take some adjustment for Soulslike veterans – though we enjoyed playing a game that kept us on the offensive.

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Beyond combat, Stellar Blade offers a smorgasbord of activities to partake in, from side quests that flesh out the world and its denizens to mini-games and puzzles that provide welcome diversions from the main (combat-focused) quest. The progression system, with its skill trees and upgradeable gear, allows for customization of Eve’s abilities to suit different playstyles, though newcomers may find the learning curve steep when trying to use a wide pallette of moves and abilities.

In terms of performance, Stellar Blade impresses with its visual fidelity and smooth 60 frames-per-second gameplay, showcasing the power of the PS5 hardware. The soundtrack, a symphony of genres ranging from K-pop to metal, sets the tone for epic battles and quiet moments alike, elevating the overall experience to the point where this is an audiovisually remarkable title.

In conclusion, Stellar Blade is a shining testament to SHIFT UP’s ambition and talent, offering a celestial journey that dazzles with its combat prowess, enchants with its world-building, and enthralls with its kinetic energy. While not without its flaws, including a forgettable English dub and some derivative storytelling, the game’s strengths far outweigh its shortcomings, making it a must-play for fans of the action-adventure genre and a stellar addition to the PS5’s library. We can’t wait to see where this developer goes from here.

Score: 8.6/10

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