Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution review (PS5)

Idea Factory International’s latest installment in the long-running Neptunia series, Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution, arrives on the PlayStation 5 with an engaging mix of management simulation and RPG action. As another unique entry in the Neptunia series, it tasks players with rebuilding a defunct game studio while navigating through dungeons and engaging in dynamic battles at the same time. The combination of strategic company management and traditional RPG elements offers a fresh take on the beloved franchise.

The game’s narrative centers on Older Nep, the main protagonist, as she endeavors to transform a failing game studio into a thriving business. This premise provides tons of meta-commentary on the gaming industry, filled with the series’ signature humor and charm. The story is both entertaining and engaging, drawing players into the world of game development with a lighthearted yet compelling plot – which is a nice change of pace after this past year’s layoffs.

Gameplay mechanics in Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution are a blend of strategic management and action-packed RPG elements. Players must hire developers, create games, and expand their market presence if they are to grow their studio. This management aspect is intricately linked with the game’s RPG components, as successful game development boosts party stats and unlocks new abilities. The balance between these elements is well-executed, providing a fresh and satisfying loop of progression and reward.


Exploration and combat are enhanced by the inclusion of a high-speed motorcycle, allowing players to navigate dungeons quickly. This adds a layer of excitement to the gameplay, as players collect items and resources needed for game development while fending off enemies. The motorcycle not only facilitates quick traversal but also adds a fun, dynamic element to dungeon exploration.

The battle system has been tweaked from earlier Neptunia titles, now supporting a four-person party with chained attacks and transformative specials. This expansion allows for more strategic depth in combat, as players can try to come up with more complex strategies and execute powerful combos. The combat is fast-paced and fluid, with a variety of abilities and tactics to keep encounters engaging and challenging.

On the PlayStation 5, Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution looks vibrant and colorful, capturing the series’ distinctive anime-inspired art style with plenty of detail and clarity. Character models and environments are well-designed, contributing to the game’s overall aesthetic appeal. The audio design complements the visuals well, featuring upbeat music and voice acting that brings the characters and story to life.


However, the game is not without its drawbacks. Some players may find the management aspects to be a bit repetitive over time, as the core loop of hiring, developing, and expanding can feel formulaic – if it’s business management you’re looking for, then it’s been done better elsewhere. Additionally, while the story is charming, it occasionally leans too heavily on familiar tropes, which might detract from its originality. Despite these minor issues, the game’s engaging mechanics and endearing narrative make it a worthwhile experience.

In conclusion, Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution successfully merges the worlds of game development simulation and RPG action into a cohesive and enjoyable package. Idea Factory International has crafted a game that not only honors the Neptunia legacy but also introduces innovative gameplay elements that keep the experience fresh and exciting. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or new to the Neptunia universe, this game offers an entertaining journey through the ups and downs of building a game studio while battling foes along the way.

Score: 6.8/10

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