Crow Country review (PS5)

Crow Country, developed by SFB Games, plunges players into a desolate somewhat creepy theme park where the line between amusement and chilling horror blurs ominously. This survival horror game invites you to explore, solve puzzles and unravel the dark mysteries hidden within its abandoned rides and attractions. We stepped into this rather haunting world on the PlayStation 5, where the game’s narrative and gameplay mechanics showcases its strengths and very few weaknesses.

At its core, Crow Country’s premise is captivating, drawing players into the story of Edward, the enigmatic owner of the park who mysteriously vanished after shutting it down. The narrative unfolds through a series of cryptic clues and unsettling discoveries, challenging players to piece together the sinister truth behind the owner’s disappearance. The game excels in building suspense, gradually revealing the park’s dark past and the consequences that human greed and ambition can have. This storytelling approach keeps players engaged, with the next piece of the puzzle always seemingly around the next corner.

However, the narrative’s complexity can sometimes feel surprisingly overwhelming, with certain plot points requiring multiple playthroughs to fully comprehend. The rich backstory, while intriguing, occasionally gets bogged down in convoluted details, which might deter some players from fully appreciating the tale, especially if you’re not expecting it.


Gameplay in Crow Country is a blend of exploration and puzzle-solving, with each area of the park offering new challenges and secrets to uncover – encouraging players to check every corner. The puzzles are cleverly designed, requiring both logical thinking and keen observation to solve. This aspect of the game is reminiscent of classic survival horror titles from the PS1 era, providing a satisfying mix of tension and triumph as you unlock new areas and piece together the mystery. However, some puzzles can be overly obscure, leading to moments of frustration that disrupt the otherwise immersive experience – because you don’t really want to consult an online source to move forward but kind of feel like you have to.

One of Crow Country’s more unique features is its Exploration Mode, which allows players to navigate the park without the threat of monster attacks. This mode is perfect for those who prefer to soak in the atmospheric visuals and eerie ambiance without the constant tension of survival – or if you just want to find your bearings for your “proper” playthrough. The monsters themselves are creatively designed, adding a layer of dread that heightens the game’s horror elements. Yet, the AI behavior of these monsters can sometimes be inconsistent, detracting from the fear factor when their actions become overly predictable or seem to glitch.

The controls in Crow Country are generally responsive, though there are occasional issues with character movement and interaction. Navigating the park can sometimes feel clunky, especially during intense moments where precision is crucial. These minor control flaws, while not game-breaking, can affect the overall fluidity of the gameplay – even though they’re fitting with the retro inspirations for the game.


Visually, Crow Country shines with its detailed and atmospheric environments. The theme park, with its decaying attractions and haunting landscapes, is beautifully rendered on the PS5, creating a setting that is both nostalgic and nightmarish. The audio design complements the visuals perfectly, with haunting music and chilling sound effects that enhance the sense of dread and immersion.

In conclusion, Crow Country offers a nostalgic yet fresh take on the survival horror genre, blending a compelling narrative with engaging gameplay and atmospheric presentation. Its strengths lie in its storytelling, puzzle design, and immersive environment, while occasional issues with narrative clarity, control responsiveness, and monster AI slightly mar its overall impact. For fans of classic horror games and those who enjoy unraveling dark mysteries, Crow Country provides a very enjoyable experience that is worth the journey through its creepy amusement park.

Score: 8.0/10

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