Pinball FX DLC reviews – five new tables!

Zen Studios continues to expand the dynamic world of their Pinball FX platform on all platforms with three new DLC packs: Pacific Rim Pinball, Universal Pinball: TV Classics, and Super League Football. Each offers a unique flavor, capitalizing on beloved franchises and rich themes to deliver varied experiences that cater to different pinball enthusiasts. Here’s a look at all five new tables, which we played on a PlayStation 5.

Pacific Rim Pinball review

Diving into Pacific Rim Pinball, players are thrust into the high-stakes world of Jaegers and Kaijus. The table captures the essence of the film’s epic battles, demanding precision and timing as players navigate lanes to strengthen the neural handshake between pilots Raleigh and Mako. The highlight here is the Double Event, where battling the monstrous Leatherback and Otachi brings intense multi-ball action, a true test of skill and strategy – or a case of frantic button-mashing, in our case. The table’s narrative-driven missions, such as drifting with Kaijus and navigating the depths to the Breach, enhance the immersive experience for fans of the films. But while the visuals and audio design effectively evoke the film’s atmosphere in great detail, it’s also worth noting that this is a somewhat challenging table that requires precise aiming to pull off certain shots, sometimes with several in a row as part of a sequence.

Universal Pinball: TV Classics review

The Universal Pinball: TV Classics pack is a nostalgic trip down memory lane, featuring tables inspired by Xena: Warrior Princess, Knight Rider, and Battlestar Galactica. Each table stands out with its distinctive theme and gameplay mechanics. Xena’s table is a delight for fans, filled with familiar characters and epic battles that require players to execute precise flipper shots to defeat iconic villains from the show. The voice acting and sound effects, combined with the detailed art style, make it feel like stepping into an episode of the famous 90s show.


The Knight Rider table leverages K.I.T.T.’s advanced features, such as Turbo Boost and Auto Cruise, to keep gameplay dynamic and engaging and channel the legendary show starring David Hasselhof. The interplay between driving and fighting crime on the road is well-executed, providing a blend of fast-paced action and strategic play – while a fantastic set of sound effects and samples bring out tons of nostalgia.

Battlestar Galactica’s table, on the other hand, focuses on space battles and subterfuge, requiring players to fend off Cylon threats while managing the limited resources of the fleet. This table is particularly notable for its complexity and depth, challenging players to balance multiple objectives simultaneously. This makes for a table with a large degree of thematic fidelity, but also somewhat of a learning curve.

Super League Football review

Super League Football introduces a refreshing sports theme to Pinball FX, perfect for football aficionados even though it doesn’t have a big license attached. Players guide a team of “Zen Studios FC” instead, where each match is a blend of strategic play and quick reflexes. The mini-playfield adds a layer of depth, requiring players to launch attacks and score goals amidst the chaos of multi-ball modes. The progression system, which saves progress and fills a virtual trophy cabinet, provides a sense of accomplishment and encourages replayability. The table’s visuals are vibrant, capturing the essence of a lively football match, though some might find the constant need for quick transitions between different modes (representing various parts of the game of football) slightly overwhelming.


In terms of overall presentation, all three DLC packs showcase the polished graphics and crisp audio that Pinball FX is known for, leveraging the power of the PlayStation 5 to enhance the experience. The intricate table designs and immersive soundscapes effectively bring each theme to life, although the complexity and difficulty spikes in some tables might be a barrier for casual pinball players.

In conclusion, Zen Studios’ latest DLC offerings for Pinball FX on the PlayStation 5 cater to a diverse audience, providing thematic richness and engaging gameplay. While the intricate designs and challenging mechanics might pose a steep learning curve for some, the depth and fidelity of each table make these additions a worthwhile investment for dedicated pinball enthusiasts – especially those with a fondness for the source material.

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