Hauntii review (PS5)

Hauntii, published by Firestoke and developed by Moonloop Games, brings an interesting blend of exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat to all major systems. We’re reviewing it on the PlayStation 5, and this new adventure game features a naive yet courageous ghost named Hauntii – yes, we think it’s an adorable name too. Hauntii embarks on a quest to uncover the mysteries of a strange, otherworldly realm, and with its distinct art style and dynamic soundtrack, the game stands out as a unique experience, despite a few bumps along the way.

At the heart of Hauntii is a compelling narrative that unfolds in the mysterious world of Eternity. The Eternians, a race of glowing creatures, guide lost souls towards an ominous looking central tower, and the story is rich with mystery and intrigue. It invites players to slowly piece together Hauntii’s past life and the true nature of this spectral realm. The narrative is delivered at a relatively slow pace, allowing players to immerse themselves in the story and lore, which have both been well crafted.

The gameplay mechanics in Hauntii are both innovative and engaging. As a ghost, Hauntii can possess both creatures and environmental elements, offering multiple solutions to the puzzles and combat scenarios you’ll come across. This mechanic adds a layer of depth and creativity to the gameplay, encouraging players to experiment and find unique approaches to each challenge while making good use of the ghost theme. However, the novelty of this mechanic can sometimes lead to moments of trial and error, which may frustrate players seeking a more straightforward puzzle experience.


Exploration in Hauntii is encouraged, and having a meticulously crafted world with plenty of lore helps. The game’s environments are tight yet open-ended, providing plenty of opportunities for discovery. The level design encourages curiosity, with secrets and collectible Constellation pieces hidden in each level’s corners. These collectibles are not only essential for progression but also add depth to the story, revealing more about Hauntii’s past life. It makes it easy to lose track of your next goal, but it’s fun to find out more about the story as well.

The controls in Hauntii are generally responsive and intuitive, with a twin-stick setup that balances action and exploration. Your ghostly powers are easy enough to manage, allowing players to smoothly transition between possessing creatures and objects. Nonetheless, some players might find the twin-stick mechanics less precise during hectic combat situations, which can detract from the otherwise fluid experience.

Visually, Hauntii employs a unique art style that utilizes line art and a striking two-tone palette. It’s minimalist and expressive at the same time, resulting in a world that is simultaneously haunting and enchanting. The dynamic camera work enhances the visual storytelling, zooming in and out to emphasize key moments and guide the player’s focus, and the screenshots don’t quite do it justice. The minimalist style might not appeal to everyone, but they’ve pulled off more than we expected with it.


The audio design in Hauntii is equally impressive, with a soundtrack composed by Michael Kirby Ward that moves along with the on-screen action. The music enhances the game’s atmosphere, adding emotional depth to your journey through Eternity. Sound effects are carefully crafted to complement the visual and narrative elements, never distracting from them.

In conclusion, Hauntii is a charming little adventure that excels through its narrative, visual design, and innovative gameplay mechanics. While it may have some minor control issues in combat, the overall experience is both captivating and thought-provoking. Hauntii offers a unique journey through a beautifully crafted world, making it a standout title for those who appreciate a more contemplative and artistic approach to gaming. For fans of exploration and puzzle-solving with a touch of ghostly intrigue, this is a solid and easy recommendation.

Score: 8.0/10

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