Port roundup: Downward – Enhanced Edition, Roxy Raccoon’s Pinball Panic & Chronicles Of 2 Heroes

With Downward’s Enhanced Edition, Roxy Raccoon’s Pinball Panic and Chronicles Of 2 Heroes: Amaterasu’s Wrath, we are checking out three titles that first appeared on Steam and are now getting a wider console release. Read on for our reviews.

Downward – Enhanced Edition review (PS5)

Downward – Enhanced Edition, developed by Caracal Games and published by Plug In Digital, brings its blend of first-person parkour and open-world exploration to the PlayStation 5 a few years after first launching in its non-enhanced incarnation. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the game invites players to unravel the mysteries of an Earth transformed by cataclysmic events, utilizing a mix of parkour skills and newfound powers. This enhanced edition offers improved visuals and additional content, and is a generally fun experience, especially for those not yet familiar with the original PC version.

The narrative thrusts players into a desolate world where humanity’s survival hangs by a thread. The apocalyptic setting is vividly brought to life through impressive environmental design, featuring crumbling ruins and a few nice background vistas. The story unfolds through exploration and discovery, with players seeking legendary artifacts to help control the disasters that are plaguing the Earth. The open-world structure encourages freeform exploration, rewarding curiosity with hidden treasures and lore that piece together the narrative. However, this also means that the storytelling is a bit fragmented, as crucial plot points are often scattered across the vast game world and you might find yourself losing interest if you miss too many of them.


Gameplay in Downward – Enhanced Edition centers around first-person parkour, challenging players to navigate the environment with precision and agility. The mechanics are intuitive, allowing for smooth transitions between running, jumping, and climbing. Players can upgrade their character’s abilities as well, adding a layer of strategy to the traversal and combat. The addition of mystical powers enriches the gameplay, offering creative ways to overcome obstacles and enemies. But despite the fluid parkour system that’s fun once you get comfortable with it, the game occasionally suffers from inconsistent platforming sections, which can disrupt the flowstate you can find yourself in.

Visually, Downward – Enhanced Edition takes advantage of the PlayStation 5’s capabilities, with enhanced graphics that bring the apocalyptic world to life in a good amount of detail for a lower budget game. The atmospheric audio design complements the visuals, immersing players in the game’s setting. But while the enhanced edition improves upon the original in a few key ways, some lingering technical issues include occasional frame rate drops and minor glitches. Despite these minor flaws, the game’s engaging mechanics and game world make it a worthwhile adventure for fans of the genre.

Roxy Raccoon’s Pinball Panic review (PS5)

Roxy Raccoon’s Pinball Panic, developed by Sinomod Studios and published by Eastasiasoft on consoles, brings a fresh twist to the traditional pinball experience on the PlayStation 5, which we mostly experience through the excellent Pinball FX. Pinball Panic is a little different in that it takes players on an adventure across four distinct worlds as Roxy the Raccoon (a character that also features in other games) battles an evil witch. The game’s narrative-driven approach sets it apart from standard pinball games, offering a unique blend of storytelling and pinball action.

The story mode is what sets Roxy Raccoon’s Pinball Panic apart. Players will find themselves navigating through various pinball tables, each designed with themes inspired by pinball eras from the 80s to the present. The game uses cutscenes to add context to Roxy’s quest as well, making the journey engaging and enjoyable. However, while the story mode is charming and inventive, it can also be quite challenging for those who aren’t pinball wizards. Some players might find the difficulty level frustrating, particularly when trying to achieve high scores or clear certain objectives in addition to just progressing through the story.


Roxy Raccoon also features some interesting gameplay mechanics, featuring more than a dozen different tables with unique themes. Each table is nicely crafted (though not as detailed as a typical Pinball FX table), providing a variety of challenges and experiences. The controls are generally smooth and responsive, though the physics can sometimes feel a bit off and we’ve had instances where the ball got stuck as well. Nevertheless, these issues are minor and do not significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the game.

Visually, Roxy Raccoon’s Pinball Panic features vibrant and detailed graphics that bring each table to life. The game’s audio complements the visual experience well, with an energetic soundtrack and fitting sound effects that enhance the arcade atmosphere. Customization options allow players to personalize Roxy’s appearance, and despite some technical flaws and a steep learning curve, Roxy Raccoon’s Pinball Panic is an entertaining pinball game that both pinball enthusiasts and casual gamers can enjoy.

Chronicles Of 2 Heroes: Amaterasu’s Wrath review (PS5)

Chronicles of 2 Heroes: Amaterasu’s Wrath delivers a layered retro-inspired experience set in feudal Japan, infused with vibrant 16-bit visuals and Metroidvania elements. The game follows Kensei and Ayame, siblings on a mission to overthrow the tyrannical goddess Amaterasu. The character-switching mechanic stands out, allowing players to alternate between Kensei’s melee prowess and Ayame’s agility and ranged attacks, although Kensei’s inability to jump at all can feel limiting and unrealistic at times.

The platforming challenges in the game pay homage to classic retro games with their look and feel, but the game manages to integrate a few modern conveniences to enhance playability as well. The pixel art is nicely crafted, effectively immersing players in a world inspired by Japanese mythology. Despite this, occasional technical issues and somewhat unremarkable dialogue are areas that could have used a bit more polish. At the same time, the game’s audio design, through both its soundtrack and its sound effects, complements the visual style and enriches the atmosphere.


Gameplay mechanics are robust, with up to 20 unlockable abilities adding variety and strategic depth. These abilities range from powerful ground smashes to double jumps, keeping the gameplay dynamic and engaging and gradually giving you access to new areas and challenges in true Metroidvania fashion. The game’s difficulty can be challenging, yet it remains fair, providing a satisfying experience for players who appreciate a good platforming test.

Overall, Chronicles of 2 Heroes is a more than commendable entry in the action platformer genre, especially for those who relish a blend of nostalgic aesthetics and modern gameplay. Its engaging dual-character system, coupled with a mythological narrative, makes it a noteworthy addition to the PlayStation 5 library, despite minor drawbacks. A solid recommendation from our end.

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