Contra: Operation Galuga review (PS5)

Konami, one of the largest names in the gaming industry, has a ton of iconic franchises behind its name. Series like Castlevania, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, and Contra have all left an indelible mark on gamers worldwide. Contra: Operation Galuga aims to reignite that spark by revisiting one their oldest series, and partnering with WayForward seems like a solid choice for this new take on a classic 2D formula. We checked it out on a PlayStation 5.

One of the reasons that this collaboration makes sense is that WayForward has revitalized the Contra series once before, in the Nintendo DS days – where Contra 4 was received well. The more recent Contra: Rogue Corps felt a bit too far removed from the 2D origins of the series though, so we were more than curious to see how Operation Galuga would turn out.

While Contra is mainly known for is action-rich gameplay, the franchise also boasts a rich, evolving narrative world that often gets overlooked. Contra: Operation Galuga maintains the familiar narrative of battling Red Falcon’s forces on Galuga, but also introduces new elements and characters, weaving a narrative that blends originality with an homage to the series’ legacy that will resonate with long term fans. However, some pacing issues hinder the storytelling a bit, with a few lengthy moments of exposition disrupting the flow of what ultimately still is an action-oriented title.


Operation Galuga’s visual style quickly stands out with its 2.5D approach, and as the adventure unfolds it regularly surprised us with inventive level designs and a few seamless moments where 3D elements added more visual depth. The dynamic camera adds to the action and gives it a modern and cinematic flair, but it can also occasionally overwhelm players with periods where there is a ton of on-screen activity at once. Nevertheless, the visual overhaul successfully modernizes familiar locales while preserving the series’ aesthetic, and we really enjoyed how it was both recognizable and fresh at the same time.

The soundtrack of Operation Galuga presents a mixed bag, opting for an instrumental and orchestral direction over rock or metal, which may divide players. However, there’s also a selection unlockable alternative tracks, which offer new renditions of classic Contra tunes – which is a great reward but possibly also something some players would have preferred as their default choice. Voice acting in the game is serviceable, capturing the essence of each character.


True to its roots, Operation Galuga maintains the classic Contra gameplay while introducing new mechanics like Perks, catering to both purists and newcomers. Expanded levels, diverse challenges, and improved weapon mechanics breathe new life into the run-and-gun formula, while the addition of character-specific abilities enhances gameplay depth, providing ample options for traversal and combat strategies.

Operation Galuga serves as a solid reboot as well fresh starting point for the series, blending nostalgia with modernization to deliver a satisfying Contra experience. While simple, its gameplay remains engaging, offering players a choice between traditional difficulty and accessible options if you want things to be a bit less hardcore. We’re hoping that this is a starting point for more Contra installments, where they expand on Operation Galuga’s foundations – but until then we’re happy to have more Contra!

Score: 7.9/10

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