Paper Trail review (PS5)

Newfangled Games’ latest title, Paper Trail, almost literally unfolds an adventure on all major systems including the PlayStation 5, weaving together intricate puzzles and an enchanting narrative. This top-down puzzle adventure game invites players to step into the shoes of Paige, a budding academic embarking on her journey away from home for the first time. The game’s unique foldable paper world sets the stage for an experience that is both intellectually stimulating and visually delightful to play.

The premise of Paper Trail is as charming as it is intriguing. We met designer Henry Hoffman years ago for Hue and it’s great to see the same kind of creativity get poured into this project. Here, Paige’s journey to university is not just a physical one but also a metaphorical exploration of personal growth and discovery. Along the way, players are introduced to a diverse cast of characters, each contributing to the (un?)folding narrative with their unique stories and perspectives. This rich storytelling enhances the game’s emotional depth, making it more than just a series of puzzles to solve.

At the heart of Paper Trail lies its innovative gameplay mechanics. The ability to fold and manipulate the world around Paige to solve puzzles is both intuitive and progressively challenging. What starts as simple folding quickly evolves into complex contortions, requiring players to think several steps ahead. The game’s puzzles are designed to push players’ cognitive abilities without becoming frustratingly difficult, striking a delicate balance that keeps the gameplay engaging throughout without having to be an origami master.

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The controls on the PlayStation 5 are smooth and responsive, allowing players to seamlessly interact with the foldable environment. The tactile feedback from the DualSense controller adds an extra layer of immersion, making each fold and twist of the paper world feel tangible and satisfying. This attention to detail in control mechanics ensures that players remain engaged in the puzzle-solving experience on multiple levels.

Visually, Paper Trail is a masterpiece of art and design. The game’s aesthetic draws heavily from traditional print and watercolor styles, creating a unique visual identity that perfectly complements its paper theme. Each environment, from the dark, untouched caves to the vibrant, rain-soaked treetops, is meticulously crafted, offering a feast for the eyes as players progress through Paige’s journey. This hand-drawn quality gives the game a timeless, storybook feel that is both charming and immersive.

The audio design in Paper Trail further enhances its enchanting atmosphere, albeit in a more subtle way. The soundscape is filled with ambient noises that bring the foldable world to life, while the calm musical score underscores the emotional beats of Paige’s journey without ever overpowering the gameplay. This careful balance of sound and music helps to draw players deeper into the game’s world, making each moment feel significant and memorable.

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Despite its many strengths, Paper Trail is not without its minor shortcomings. Some players may find certain puzzles to be overly complex, potentially leading to moments of frustration as they hit a difficulty spike. Additionally, while the story is rich and engaging, it occasionally relies on familiar tropes, which might feel predictable to some players. However, these issues are relatively minor and do not significantly detract from the overall experience of what is a fantastic narrative-driven puzzle adventure.

In conclusion, Paper Trail is a delightful puzzler that masterfully blends innovative gameplay with a heartfelt narrative and stunning visual design. Newfangled Games has crafted an experience that is as intellectually stimulating as it is emotionally resonant. Whether you’re a fan of puzzle games or simply looking for a unique and charming adventure, Paper Trail offers a journey well worth taking on the PlayStation 5.

Score: 8.4/10

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