Prison Architect 2 preview (PC)

As fans of the original Prison Architect will attest, building and managing your own prison is an oddly captivating experience. Now, Double Eleven, in collaboration with publisher Paradox Interactive, is back with Prison Architect 2, promising a more immersive experience with the shift to 3D. With our hands-on experience with the PC version, we dive into what to expect from this highly anticipated sequel.

What We Know

Prison Architect 2 expands upon its predecessor’s foundations, bringing the beloved prison-building simulation into a fully realized 3D environment. Players will once again step into the role of an architect tasked with designing and managing a personalized penitentiary. This time, the game offers enhanced visual depth and more complex management mechanics, allowing for multi-floor construction and a more intricate simulation of inmate behavior and relationships. The game is set to launch on multiple platforms, including PC, with promises of a comprehensive Career Mode that spans a newly designed world map. This mode will challenge players to establish and operate correctional facilities that balance security, sustainability, and the rehabilitation of inmates.


What We Saw

We had the opportunity to meet with the development team during Gamescom last summer, where we were given a demo of an early build of Prison Architect 2. This initial hands-on session offered a glimpse into the game’s new 3D mechanics and expanded features. Following this, we extensively tested a more recent build through Steam, giving us deeper insights into the game’s evolving mechanics and design.

What We Thought

The transition to 3D in Prison Architect 2 is a significant leap forward for the franchise. The new visual perspective not only enhances the game’s aesthetic appeal but also adds a layer of depth to the gameplay. Designing prisons across multiple floors introduces new strategic elements, as players must consider the vertical integration of their facilities. The ability to zoom in and out provides a better sense of the scale and complexity of your prison, making the management tasks feel more dynamic and engaging.

One of the standout features in Prison Architect 2 is the improved AI behavior of the inmates. They exhibit more realistic and varied behaviors, forming relationships that can influence their actions. This adds a new dimension to managing your prison, as you must now anticipate and respond to a wider array of inmate needs and potential conflicts. The interactions between inmates and the environment make the simulation feel more alive and unpredictable.


On the gameplay front, the controls have been refined to accommodate the new 3D interface, making it easier to navigate and manage your prison efficiently. Building tools are more intuitive, and the interface is streamlined to reduce the learning curve for new players while still offering depth for veterans of the series. The game also introduces a more detailed policy management system, giving players greater control over the daily operations and rules of their prison, while making the whole thing more controller-friendly as well (ahead of the console releases that are also coming).

Visually, Prison Architect 2 benefits greatly from its new 3D graphics. The detailed environments and character models bring a fresh look to the game, making it more visually engaging. The audio design complements this, with ambient sounds and inmate chatter adding to the immersion. However, some minor issues remain in this pre-release build, such as occasional pathfinding bugs and minor graphical glitches.

Overall, Prison Architect 2 builds on the strengths of its predecessor while introducing significant enhancements that make the management experience more immersive and complex. Whether you are a returning fan or new to the series, this sequel promises to deliver a deeper and more engaging prison-building simulation. We look forward to seeing how it evolves further as it approaches its launch.

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