Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord review (PS5)

Digital Eclipse’s remake of Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord brings an ancient classic of RPG gaming into the modern age. Almost 45 (!) years since the release of the original game, this full 3D update of one of the earliest party-based RPGs retains the core elements that made the original a trailblazer while introducing significant enhancements to appeal to contemporary players. As we delve into the labyrinth on the PlayStation 5, we check and see how well this remake strikes a balance between preserving the past and embracing the present.

The premise of Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord remains true to its roots. Players craft a party of adventurers and venture into a dangerous labyrinth to retrieve an amulet stolen by the malevolent wizard Werdna, who is working for the (mad) overlord Trebor. The narrative is straightforward but effective, capturing the essence of classic fantasy dungeon-crawling adventures. The game’s storyline may not rival modern RPG epics in terms of complexity, but its simplicity has a nostalgic charm that should resonate with both veterans and newcomers to the series.

Gameplay mechanics have been updated without losing the essence of the (largely text-based) original. The dungeon-crawling experience is as challenging as ever, with treacherous traps and enemies posing a danger around every corner. Combat remains turn-based, demanding strategic planning and careful resource management. The remake introduces quality-of-life improvements that streamline these elements, such as enhanced party management and more intuitive spellcasting, which significantly help the flow of the game compared to how older RPGs usually pan out. However, some players might find the difficulty level daunting, as the game does not shy away from punishing mistakes harshly. Fans will find it nice to see that this Wizardry remake doesn’t try to lean into the modern trend of having mainstream RPG, but others will find it rather daunting.


One of the standout features of this remake is its commitment to accuracy and authenticity. The game was actually built on top of the original 1981 code, allowing purists to experience the authentic gameplay – with there even being an option to switch over to the original interface (by using an overlay). This level of fidelity will undoubtedly please long-time fans who appreciate the historical significance of Wizardry, even though it won’t be much more than a curiosity for most players. The inclusion of modern graphics and a more streamlined interface ensures that the game feels fresh and accessible to new players, but it’s nice to be able to appreciate how far they came with this remake.

Visually, Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord impresses with its detailed 3D environments and updated character models. The labyrinthine corridors are richly textured, and the overall aesthetic maintains a balance between modern polish and retro charm. This visual upgrade breathes new life into the game, making exploration more immersive, even though the game still feel more like an indie dungeon crawler than the next Dragon Age. Also, some minor graphical glitches can slightly mar the experience, but we assume these will be fixed soon. The audio design complements the visual overhaul with a nice atmospheric soundtrack and sound effects that enhance the dungeon-crawling ambiance. The music adapts to the game’s tense moments, adding to the sense of danger and excitement.


Controls in Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord have been modernized for the PS5, making navigation and combat intuitive and doing away with the need for a keyboard. The interface is user-friendly, with clear menus and easy-to-understand commands that reduce the learning curve for new players. However, despite these improvements, some aspects of the control scheme can feel a little cumbersome, particularly during intense combat situations where quick decision-making is crucial.

In conclusion, Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord is a great blend of old and new, offering a richly nostalgic experience with modern enhancements that improve playability. Its faithful recreation of the original game will please long-time fans, while the updated visuals, audio, and interface make it accessible to a new generation of RPG enthusiasts. Despite minor flaws, this remake stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Wizardry series and a must-play for anyone interested in the roots of the RPG genre in videogaming.

Score: 8.0/10

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