Call of Duty – Modern Warfare III review (PS5)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, the latest installment in the long-running franchise published by Activision and developed by Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch, finds itself in a curious position. The game aims to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Call of Duty by revisiting the iconic Modern Warfare series once more. However, as we delve into the PlayStation 5 version, it’s not the glorious homage we were hoping for.

The narrative of Modern Warfare III is among the series’ worst, being very brief and lacking the intense, cinematic set pieces that are so characteristic of the series. The incorporation of Open Combat Missions, somewhat comparable to Warzone scenarios, also dilutes the traditional Call of Duty narrative formula. And despite some engaging moments, the campaign feels rushed, and despite looking gorgeous it feels like unrealized potential. On the positive side, the campaign does feature a few standout moments, such as sequences involving a plane hijacking and a stadium attack. However, these moments are brief highlights in an otherwise lackluster story.

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Moving to the multiplayer aspect, the reuse of maps from the 2009 Modern Warfare 2 is great in terms of its nostalgic value (they’re considered to be among the series’ best), but the game should also be criticized for not offering a substantial amount of new content in addition to the revamped old stuff. The remastered maps are great in terms of their visual and audio upgrades, but there’s a lack of innovation here, which will especially be felt by players familiar with the original maps.

The volume of weapons and customization options is impressive, though also borderline overwhelming, with a rather convoluted progression system that links essential items to specific challenges. Multiplayer fans will appreciate the fast-paced movement mechanics and improved gameplay mechanics in Modern Warfare III, though this more modern approach can clash a little with the more chaotic map designs from the earlier games.

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Zombies, a mode introduced with an open-world twist, provides some fresh elements, such as missions and objectives in the Warzone-like environment. It creates a more open feel for this mode, but at the same time it takes away from the claustrophobia and intensity found in older Zombies modes.

In conclusion, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is a game caught between nostalgia and a need for innovation. The remastered maps and familiar gameplay mechanics bring a sense of comfort and familiarity for longtime fans, but the lack of substantial new content and the brevity of the campaign contribute to an overall underwhelming experience. It’s not bad, just below expectation – and we’ll see what happens with this franchise after the Microsoft merger. Call of Duty needs to step up, and it’s a shame there’s no major competition this year.

Score: 6.4/10

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