Last Train Home review (PC)

THQ Nordic, in collaboration with development studio Ashborne Games, has released Last Train Home, an immersive and challenging real-time strategy (RTS) experience set against the backdrop of war-torn Russia during World War I. As you guide a legion of Czechoslovakiak soldiers through a perilous journey onboard an armored train, Last Train Home delivers a unique blend of strategic decision-making, immersive storytelling, and heart-wrenching consequences – all set against a backdrop many won’t be familiar with. We checked it out on PC.

In Last Train Home, players embark on a desperate journey through the brutal Russian civil war that is raging around you, as you get caught between the Red and White Armies. The narrative is strong and unfolds through well-crafted cutscenes, dialogue, and live-action sequences, providing a strong portrayal of the harsh conditions faced by the Legion. The authentic representation of the time period, coupled with native voice acting for each faction, immerses players in the grim reality of post-World War I survival – and the attention to detail is a standout element of the game.

However, while there’s a large conflict playing out, the true heart of the narrative lies in the individual stories of your legionnaires. Each soldier possesses a unique personality, traits, and resilience, making them feel like real people with their own struggles. The game intertwines overarching storytelling with player-crafted narratives, giving you a sense of agency of what happens as every decision impacts the fate of your comrades. This seamless integration of narrative and gameplay elevates Last Train Home, creating an intense and emotionally charged experience.

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Last Train Home’s gameplay has two layers: the strategic management of your armored train and troops as you traverse the vast Russian landscape, and the tactical real-time strategy (RTS) combat that unfolds when deploying your squads for missions. The strategic layer involves resource management, train upgrades, and decision-making, adding depth and challenge to the overall experience while painting a meta-layer over your battles.

Managing the train’s fuel, food, and repairs becomes a crucial aspect of the game, offering a constant balancing act in the harsh conditions. The importance of time management and efficient squad deployment enhances the strategic layer, providing a sense of urgency and immersion. It’s a challenging game, but the inclusion of difficulty settings caters to different player preferences, allowing for a more customizable experience.

The RTS combat, while intense and fun, does have its quirks. The lack of flexibility in unit commands takes some getting used to, but the combat remains a challenging and integral part of Last Train Home’s experience, directly impacting the narrative by making soldier losses permanent.

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Last Train Home boasts a well-designed control scheme, allowing players to navigate the strategic (train) layer and then engage in tactical combat during missions seamlessly. The rebindable hotkeys, and support for graphical features like DLSS and FSR contribute to a smooth and customizable gaming experience, enhancing overall player satisfaction.

Audiovisually, the game excels in capturing the desolation and desperation of war-torn Russia during the early 20th century. The attention to detail in mission locations, animations, and atmospheric effects creates a visually engaging and emotionally evocative environment. The immersive audio, featuring native languages and authentic in-mission chatter, enhances the overall sense of realism, making players feel deeply connected to the Legion’s journey.

In conclusion, Last Train Home stands out as an excellent RTS experience that successfully melds authentic storytelling with challenging strategic gameplay. The intertwining of the strategic and tactical layers creates a compelling and immersive journey in which the individual stories of legionnaires add a personal touch. This makes every decision feel weighty and consequential, though the lack of flexibility in combat occasionally made us wish we had more control. Despite this, the game’s attention to authenticity, immersive world-building, and customizable difficulty settings make it a must-play for strategy enthusiasts willing to embark on a memorable journey through the heart of war-torn Russia.

Score: 8.4/10

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