Shines Over: The Damned review (PS5)

When we first saw footage of Shines Over: The Damned, we were immediately impressed with its production values when you considered that this was in fact a budget-priced release. The publisher/developer’s latest venture thrusts players into a dark and desolate world with nothing but a faithful canine companion by their side, as you embark on a mystery you don’t know too much about. Set in a strange dimension filled with eerie environments and secrets, this PlayStation 5 exclusive aims for a blend of psychological horror and atmospheric exploration.

At first glance, Shines Over: The Damned may seem like just another generic entry in the popular psychological horror genre, but beneath its surface lies a journey that beckons players to delve deeper. The narrative follows an unnamed protagonist and their loyal dog as they navigate the haunting landscapes of a forgotten realm, piecing together fragments of its mysterious history along the way.


But while the premise is intriguing, the narrative and gameplay mechanics ultimately fall short of expectations. Lacking a bit in traditional video game mechanics, Shines Over: The Damned relies heavily on walking and puzzle-solving elements, offering little in terms of engaging gameplay. There are platforming sections, but they feel clunky and imprecise, often leading to frustrating moments of trial and error. Despite attempts to inject tension through environmental puzzles and jump scares, the overall experience lacks polish and fails to deliver a cohesive gameplay experience that lives up to that premise of delving into a world shrouded in mystery.

Visually, Shines Over: The Damned showcases beautifully crafted environments, but the execution falls short when you look up close. Character models appear dated and rudimentary in comparison to the world around them, detracting from the immersion factor. However, the game’s atmospheric soundtrack and occasional moments of stunning imagery provide glimpses of its potential.


One of the game’s strengths lies in its ability to create a palpable sense of atmosphere, immersing players in a world filled with tension and uncertainty. However, this atmosphere alone is not enough to compensate for the lackluster gameplay and narrative. Despite its attempts to evoke emotional responses, the story feels disjointed and lacking in substance, leaving players with more questions than answers.

In summary, Shines Over: The Damned falls short of its ambitious goals, offering a brief but ultimately forgettable experience. While it may appeal to fans of the more experimental side of horror, the game’s flaws outweigh its strengths, resulting in a game that struggles to leave a lasting impression. With a lack of compelling gameplay and narrative depth, Shines Over: The Damned ultimately fails to distinguish itself in the competitive landscape of psychological horror games despite a decent first impression.

Score: 6.1/10

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