Saviorless review (PS5)

Saviorless, developed by Empty Head Games and published by Dear Villagers, is a visually striking 2D platformer set in a stylish dark fantasy world. Laden with exquisite hand-drawn artwork and animations, this game aims to immerse players in its atmospheric narrative-driven experience. As players step into the shoes of Antar, a determined child aspiring to become a Savior, they embark on a perilous journey through the enigmatic Smiling Islands, encountering a multitude of obstacles and twisted characters along the way. Here’s our look at the PlayStation 5 version of the game.

The narrative of Saviorless unfolds like a surreal dream, weaving a mysterious tale that keeps players guessing. The game introduces a trio of narrators, akin to gods, who observe and influence the unfolding events, adding layers of complexity to Antar’s journey. However, while the surrealistic storytelling and world-building contribute to the game’s atmospheric charm, they sometimes leave players feeling bewildered and disconnected from the overarching narrative. Antar’s character and motivations, in particular, feel underdeveloped, hindering players’ ability to form a meaningful connection with the protagonist.


On the visual front, Saviorless impresses with its beautiful hand-drawn artwork and varied environments. Each level is meticulously crafted, presenting players with eerie and twisted landscapes reminiscent of a dark fairy tale. The attention to detail is evident, with religious references and subtle interactions bringing the world to life. Enemy and character designs are imaginative and diverse, adding to the game’s immersive atmosphere. The understated design for Antar seems oddly out of place though, compared to the vibrant surroundings you find your protagonist in – though perhaps this was an intentional choice to make the environment pop out more.

Complementing the striking visuals is the game’s immersive soundtrack and sound design. Minimalist piano melodies and atmospheric textures set the tone for Antar’s journey, enhancing the overall mood and atmosphere. Ambient sound effects further elevate the environmental storytelling, immersing players in the eerie landscapes of the Smiling Islands.


In terms of gameplay mechanics, Saviorless offers a dynamic experience that evolves as players progress. From platforming and puzzle-solving to combat encounters, each level presents new challenges and mechanics to master. The ability to seamlessly switch between characters adds variety to the gameplay, although playing as Nento feels somewhat disconnected from Antar’s journey. Boss fights are engaging and require strategic thinking to overcome, while collectables incentivize exploration and replayability. However, the game’s reliance on trial and error, especially in later stages, can lead to frustration.

Despite its flaws, Saviorless is a beautifully crafted indie experience that delivers a captivating game world and engaging gameplay. With its stunning visuals, atmospheric soundtrack, and dynamic mechanics, it offers a memorable journey through a dark fantasy world. While the game’s narrative may leave some players wanting more clarity and depth, the game’s artistic direction and atmosphere make it more than worth a look if you enjoy platformers – especially considering its budget-friendly price point.

Score: 6.8/10

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