Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition review (PC)

Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition has finally arrived on PC, marking another significant milestone in Sony’s journey of bringing its acclaimed PlayStation exclusives to a wider audience. Developed by Guerrilla Games and ported over to PC by Nixxes Software, this Complete Edition of the game includes all the content from the original release along with the Burning Shores story expansion, promising an immersive experience for players venturing into the post-apocalyptic world of Horizon. And we’d consider Forbidden West to be a title that’s great to play on a big screen with surround sound, but a desktop PC is often a bit of a hassle – which is why we tried out the game with a ASUS TUF Gaming A15 laptop, hooked up to the same setup as our PS5.

Set roughly six months after the events of the first game, Forbidden West follows protagonist Aloy as she embarks on a quest to find a copy of the AI known as Gaia, hoping to halt the devastating blight threatening all life on Earth. Her journey takes her to the Forbidden West, the former west coast of the United States, where she encounters new enemies, forms alliances with different tribes, and unravels the mysteries of this perilous frontier.

The narrative, while lacking some of the big and impactful revelations of its predecessor, remains engaging thanks to its intriguing new environments and well-written characters. However, Aloy’s persistent lone wolf attitude, while in line with her character, may leave some players wishing for more growth and development in her relationships and more interactions with other characters that inhabit this world.


Gameplay-wise, Forbidden West builds upon the open-world formula of its predecessor with expanded traversal options, diverse environments, and challenging combat encounters. Players can explore mountainous forests, snowy peaks, deserts, and shorelines, each teeming with unique tribes and creatures.

Combat has seen significant improvements, with new weapons and abilities adding depth to encounters, especially against the awe-inspiring robotic creatures that roam the land. Boss fights, particularly against these mechanical behemoths, offer thrilling and multi-tiered battles that showcase the combat’s strategic depth and exhilarating gameplay.

Visually, Forbidden West is a feast for the eyes, with stunning environments, detailed character models, and impressive particle effects bringing the world to life. The absence of ray tracing is hardly noticeable thanks to the game’s excellent lighting and environmental design. Additionally, the game’s performance on a dedicated gaming laptop like the ASUS TUF Gaming A15 is more than commendable, with NVIDIA DLSS 3 technology providing a significant boost to frame rates without sacrificing image quality.


On the technical side, the PC version of Forbidden West shines with its optimized performance and extensive graphical options. DLSS, FSR, and other upscaling technologies ensure a smooth and visually stunning experience across a wide range of hardware configurations with relatively modest system requirements. Full support for Ultrawide and Super Ultrawide resolutions, as well as compatibility with the Steam Deck, further enhance the game’s accessibility and immersion. And while we didn’t test this in a handheld setup, it was great to see the game running on a laptop and look even more gorgeous than the PS5 version – which is still a benchmark title for that console.

Despite its technical achievements, Forbidden West may still benefit from further optimization and refinement, particularly in addressing occasional shader compilation issues and improving controller support for more wireless connectivity. However, these minor drawbacks do little to diminish the overall excellence of the PC version and feel like relatively easy issues to patch, making this new PC version the definitive way to experience Guerrilla Games’ masterpiece.

In conclusion, Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition delivers an exceptional open-world experience on PC, combining captivating storytelling, engaging gameplay mechanics, and breathtaking visuals. Whether you’re a returning fan or a newcomer to Aloy’s world, this port represents a triumph of optimization and accessibility, setting another high standard for PlayStation-to-PC conversions. And to see it running on a device that’s far slimmer than the rather bulky PS5 is an added bonus for those looking for an element and powerful solution.

Score: 8.7/10

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