Free League roundup: The One Ring – Tales From The Lone-Lands, Tales From The Loop – They Grow Up So Fast & H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror

Most people would agree that “a good book” is an excellent holiday gift, and as gamers we’re always eager to look towards Free League for ideas. They’re recently launched a trio of excellent choices, so join us as we check out The One Ring – Tales From The Lone-Lands, Tales From The Loop – They Grow Up So Fast and H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror, as Illustrated by Baranger.

The One Ring – Tales From The Lone-Lands

The One Ring: Tales From The Lone-Lands is a new addition to The One Ring that builds upon the success of its predecessor, Ruins of the Lost Realm. It invites players to embark on another journey through Middle-earth, this time spanning iconic locations such as the Shire, Gundabad, and Thorbad. Across six interconnected adventures, the narrative unfolds gradually and integrates mystery, horror, and fantasy battles, making for a suitably diverse and immersive experience for The One Ring players.

True to the spirit of J.R.R. Tolkien’s world, Tales From The Lone-Lands captures the essence of Middle-earth. Whether players are engaging in more lighthearted interactions in the Shire or facing off against Orcs as Rangers and Elves, the TTRPG feels true to the source material. At the heart of the book are the six distinct adventures, each offering a unique blend of challenges and choices, as well as different narrative perspectives. From confronting murderous trolls to navigating ancient spirits, players are presented with a range of experiences – almost giving a sense of “short stories” as you’re playing. The addition of “heroic lineages” to the narrative adds an extra layer to the roleplaying gameplay, allowing players to embody the Heir linked to notable ancestors.


The production quality of the book is more than commendable, with a hardcover featuring captivating illustrations that bring the world of Tolkien to life. As such, the overall design maintains Free League’s high standards, capturing the somewhat somber Tolkien-esque atmosphere through its drawings. Much of the campaign centers around Amon Guruthos, so it makes sense that they’re not portraying a happy place here. The narrative revolves around the theme of resistance against an encroaching shadow, which will echo well with fans of The Lord of the Rings and its central themes.

In conclusion, The One Ring: Tales From The Lone-Lands is a testament to Free League Games’ commitment to delivering high-quality storytelling in the TTRPG genre. With its captivating adventures, seamless integration of Tolkien’s world, and a visually stunning presentation, this compendium is a must-have for fans eager to explore the depths of Middle-earth once more.

Tales From The Loop – They Grow Up So Fast

Free League Games’ latest addition to the Tales from the Loop series, They Grow Up So Fast, unfolds as a four-part campaign set against the nostalgic backdrop of 1980s England, specifically the Norfolk Loop. This campaign, designed to build on the Tales from the Loop RPG, explores the lives of a group of kids who stumble upon a mysterious alien egg during an Easter Egg Hunt in the spring. As the seasons progress, the narrative delves deeper into the challenges these youngsters face as they attempt to care for the alien creature, with each episode introducing escalating stakes and fresh hurdles.

The premise of They Grow Up So Fast excels in blending sci-fi elements with the innocence of childhood, offering a very engaging storytelling experience – just like Tales From The Loop did. The campaign cleverly navigates the dynamic between the kids and the adults in the story, with the latter being more of a hindrance than help in this case. The inclusion of a scientist who possibly has hidden motives adds an extra layer of excitement to the narrative, ensuring that the players are consistently confronted with challenges beyond just the alien creature.

loop fast

The artwork in the book is another signature high quality Free League production, with a nostalgic look at 1980s England. The visual elements complement the narrative, capturing the essence of the core Tales from the Loop book in this expansion. In terms of gameplay mechanics, They Grow Up So Fast successfully offers an atmospheric and exciting mini-campaign for those looking to delve into more adventures around the Loop. The simplicity of some problem-solving approaches might be a downside for those who prefer a more complex resolution system, but this is one that you’ll want to play for the narrative and the atmosphere. The campaign’s steady build-up in stakes and the introduction of additional challenges that are new to this expansion make it a worthwhile addition to the Tales from the Loop RPG series, providing an overall enjoyable experience for players, and another reason for newcomers to want to delve into this extremely engaging IP.

H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror Illustrated by Baranger

Moving beyond the TTRPG mechanics that are at the heart of Free League’s portfolio, there’s also a brand new illustrated novel that was just release – and if you loved their earlier work on At The Mountains Of Madness, you’ll love their new adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s classic tale “The Dunwich Horror”. Beautifully illustrated once more by François Baranger, the story transports readers to the remote village of Dunwich, where the story unfolds against a backdrop of dark valleys and mysterious stone circles. The narrative centers on Wilbur, born to the simple-minded Lavinia Whateley. With rumors of witchcraft abound, Wilbur embarks on a quest for forbidden knowledge, and the events that follow bring about a series of tragic occurrences, blending the kind of cosmic horror you typically associate with Lovecraft with a tale of ancient secrets.

Baranger’s illustrations throughout The Dunwich Horror breathe life into Lovecraft’s otherworldly visions, portraying the landscapes and creatures with a style that is both terrifying and gorgeous at the same time. The choice of dark and somber tones in Baranger’s art effectively sets the tone, creating an atmosphere that subtly hints at the underlying malevolence permeating the narrative. If you enjoyed his work on previous titles, you’ll instantly like this as well. The meticulous attention to detail and consistency in quality makes this a great hardcover to consider as a gift.


While the narrative features the usual atmospheric slow build, this approach also contributes to the overall immersive experience, culminating in a more action-packed second half that you’ll just blaze through. The illustrations play a crucial role in enhancing the story as well, particularly during the climactic moments later in the story, where everything you were visually suddenly comes alive on the page.

In summary, The Dunwich Horror serves as a visually stunning and captivating adaptation of Lovecraft’s tale. Baranger’s art adds a layer of terror to the narrative, offering Lovecraft enthusiasts and newcomers alike a compelling and chilling experience. Despite a potentially slow start, the atmospheric build and amazing visuals make this edition a recommended addition to any horror fan’s collection.

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