Juicy Realm review (PS5)

Juicy Realm, originally developed by SpaceCan and published on consoles by PM Studios, presents a novel twist on the post-apocalyptic shooter genre. In this top-down roguelike adventure, players find themselves pitted against sentient fruits and vegetables, humanity’s unexpected adversaries in a battle for survival. And that probably sounds cuter than it is…. we checked it out on a PlayStation 5.

Set in a world where plants have evolved to dominate us, Juicy Realm’s narrative premise is both humorous and intriguing. The game plunges players into a struggle for survival, where the goal is simple: fend off the hostile plant life and uncover the secrets of this bizarre new world to ensure your survival. While the narrative lacks depth, the offbeat premise injects a sense of fun into the gameplay experience.


Gameplay in Juicy Realm revolves around twin-stick shooting mechanics infused with roguelike elements. Players navigate through randomized zones, facing off against a variety of colorful and quirky fruit-based enemies. The game offers a selection of characters to play as, each with their own starting weapons and unique abilities, adding some variety and replay value to the gameplay. However, the lack of meaningful character progression past that starting choice limits long-term engagement, as after a while you’ll start to realize that each run more or less feels similar to the last one.

Controls in Juicy Realm are responsive and intuitive, and the game supports both solo and local multiplayer modes, allowing players to team up for cooperative play. While the cooperative mode adds an extra layer of enjoyment and we certainly recommending playing the game that way, the absence of online multiplayer feels like a missed opportunity.


Visually, Juicy Realm shines with its charming anime-inspired art style and vibrant color palette. The character and enemy designs are imaginative and whimsical, adding to the game’s lighthearted appeal. However, the level design could benefit from more variety and dynamic elements to enhance replay value, despite the fact that the visuals are a clear highlight here.

The audio presentation in Juicy Realm is a mixed bag. While the soundtrack and the sound effects are both well done, the absence of voice acting leaves the narrative feeling somewhat underdeveloped – even though the game world itself would lend itself well to exploring that side more. Nevertheless, seeing words like “Boooom” pop up in a large comic book font adds to the game’s playful atmosphere and gave us a “TV Batman” smile on our face.

Overall, Juicy Realm offers a fun and accessible gaming experience, perfect for fans of twin-stick shooters looking for a lighthearted romp. While the game’s charming visuals and engaging gameplay mechanics provide moments of enjoyment, its lack of depth and short length may leave some players wanting more. Despite its flaws, Juicy Realm’s unique premise and quirky presentation make it a worthwhile addition to the roguelike genre.

Score: 7.0/10

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